Friday, April 17, 2009

Reflection: Weeks 11 & 12

WEEK 11:

During week 11 we watched the documentary "Unnatural Causes". I thought that this documentary was one of the best ones we have watched so far. It talked about how money influences a persons health. I knew that poverty and health were connected, but it was really eye opening to see the people and how much their lives differ depending on their job, income and the money they have. We were also introduced to the Healthy People 2010 this week. Healthy people is basically a set of objectives which can be used by different people such as States, communities, professional organizations, and others to help them develop programs to improve health.

WEEK 12:

This week our advocacy project was due for Healthy People/Thomas. We were to pick a health objective and build off of that and do some background research on it. It was interesting going through all the national goals/objectives and seeing which ones are moving towards their target and which ones still have a long ways to go. We also had to read chapter 20 in our text books which talked about the Ozone layer. It said that in the next year its expected to repair itself, which is a good thing to hear! It was nice to think that we as humans are helping the environment in some way, and not always harming it.

Well that pretty much sums up the last couple of weeks! hope everyone has a good weekend!


  1. I thought this documentary was great too... For sure at the top of my list from this semester :)

  2. Nice post, Jessica!
    I agree that the documentary was a really great one. I felt the same way about it - that even though I was aware of the wealth=health issue, I hadn't realized just HOW big of an issue it really was! The documentary did a nice job laying out the facts to prove a point.

  3. Definitely learned some facts about the ozone layer that I did not know before! It is good to hear some good news for once!

  4. I was glad to hear that something was actually good about the environment too, I hope it isn't the last time. Good post!
