Impact of Schools on the Environment
I recently found this environmental journal called EJ, there was an article in it that talked about the environmental impact that some of the big ten schools have. I thought it was really interesting so I wanted to make a share and voice with some of the statistics found on the universities. The journal is from 2007 so its a little dated but I still think it gives you an idea of how much of an impact these schools can have on the environment.
The schools that were included in this article was: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Michigan State, Minnesota, Ohio State, Penn State, Purdue and Wisconsin.
School, Electricity (Killowatts-hrs) per GSF (Gross Square Foot), Electricity (kilowatts- hrs) per student
Illinos No report No report
Indiana 17.73 6,672
Iowa 20.28 8,436
Michigan 20.63 7,738
Michigan State 12.61 5,387
Minnesota 18.50 7,614
Northwestern No report No report
Ohio State 24.10 9,400
Penn State 16.74 7,166
Purdue 16.67 6,623
Wisconsin 19.04 10,087
Average 18.47 7,680
Iowa 20.28 8,436
Michigan 20.63 7,738
Michigan State 12.61 5,387
Minnesota 18.50 7,614
Northwestern No report No report
Ohio State 24.10 9,400
Penn State 16.74 7,166
Purdue 16.67 6,623
Wisconsin 19.04 10,087
Average 18.47 7,680
Energy Terminology: (found in the journal)
Kilowatt- hours are the common curency among power producers
A killowatt is defined as the amount of energy needed to heat one pound of wter one degree Fahrenheit.
~The rate at which energy flows (electrical current) is the kilowatt-hour, which measures the amount of energy flowing from producres to consumers in any given system One kilowatt hour is the energy required to keep a standard ligth bulb lit for approximately 10 hours.
waste recycled (tons/yr): 4,885
paper recycled (tons/yr): 2,062
plastic, glass, metal and aluminum recycled (tons/yr): 698
waste recycled (tons/yr): 1,900
paper recycled (tons/yr): 1,150
plastic, glass, metal and aluminum recycled (tons/yr): 155
waste recycled (tons/yr): 1,273
paper recycled (tons/yr): 1,272
plastic, glass, metal and aluminum recycled (tons/yr): 1
waste recycled (tons/yr): 3,458.45
paper recycled (tons/yr): 2,279
plastic, glass, metal and aluminum recycled (tons/yr): 234
Michigan State:
waste recycled (tons/yr): 2,000
paper recycled (tons/yr): 1,658
plastic, glass, metal and aluminum recycled (tons/yr): 342
waste recycled (tons/yr): 3,306
paper recycled (tons/yr): 1,854
plastic, glass, metal and aluminum recycled (tons/yr): 544
waste recycled (tons/yr): 1,200
paper recycled (tons/yr): 628
plastic, glass, metal and aluminum recycled (tons/yr): 231
Ohio State:
waste recycled (tons/yr): 1,446
paper recycled (tons/yr): 791
plastic, glass, metal and aluminum recycled (tons/yr): 95
Penn State:
waste recycled (tons/yr): 4,868
paper recycled (tons/yr): 1,670
plastic, glass, metal and aluminum recycled (tons/yr): 366
waste recycled (tons/yr): 1,592
paper recycled (tons/yr): 1,065
plastic, glass, metal and aluminum recycled (tons/yr): 295
waste recycled (tons/yr): 1,755
paper recycled (tons/yr): 1,179
plastic, glass, metal and aluminum recycled (tons/yr): 576
waste recycled: 2,517
paper recycled: 1,419
plastic, glass, metal and aluminum recycled (tons/yr): 321
From this data you can see how a school can effect the environment in a harmful way and how they can help out the environment! Its interesting to see what kind of an impact a major community such as a university has on the environment compared to a household or an individual.
Awesome post, Jessica! That's really cool to see how much the Minnesota university recycled! I'm assuming it's the U in the twin cities, but hopefully we are doing just as well (or better) here in Duluth!
ReplyDeleteGlad to see that the U of M has some of the best energy and recycling practices among the Big 10!
ReplyDeleteIllinois wins. ..just saying...