Sunday, April 19, 2009

Advocacy Project: Issue Overview

Issue Overview

What is the issue/problem?

Global Environment-Global burden of disease due to poor water quality, sanitation, and personal and domestic hygiene.

What current legislation has been proposed to address this? (Identify bill # and name)
Related Bill from THOMAS:
Title: H.R.1031 : To promote a better health information system. (#44)
Sponsor: Rep Burgess, Michael C. [TX-26] (introduced 2/12/2009) Cosponsors (None) Committees: House Energy and Commerce; House Ways and Means

Who is affected by the issue?
Who is affected the most?
People from developing countries are affected the most. Countries/communities that don't have access to clean water, sanitation tools and resources needed for good hygiene.
Who loses, and what do they lose?
Companies, tax payers, local businesses
Its involves a lot of money to get proper sanitation, clean water, etc. Into a commuity and someone has to pay for all of the maintence and usuallythe majority of that burden falls on companies/businesses and tax payers.

Who gains, and what do they gain?
The community,the citizens, families
They gain access to the services/materials they need to improve their health and prevent from contracting a disease or any other sickness due to the lack of available water (clean), materials needed for good hygiene, etc.

What are the consequences of the issue?
For the individuals mostly affected?
The costs for individuals would go up. It costs a lot of money to maintain a clean water supply, and hygiene products aren't all that cheap. The familiesmight have to sacrifice some things in order to pay for the water supply,the hygiene products and the sanitation costs of the community. I think that most of the outcome of this bill would be beneficial and not so much consequential. The individuals, families, and society as a whole would become healthier, they would live in cleanier environments and their overall health would benefit a great deal. So i dont see many consequences for this bill to be passed other than the cost of some of the projects such as cleaning the water, etc.

What is the economic impact of the issue?
Some of the economic costs of this issue would be cleaning the water supply, maintaining the water supply, the cost for hygenic materials such as soap, etc. Also costs towards promoting a better health system such as flyers, speakers, materials,etc. The costs would fall mostly on the community and businesses. The economic benefits would include a healthier community, less health care problems, people wouldnt need to visit the doctors, hospitals as much. The people in the community would benefit the most (women, children, men).

What is the social impact of the issue?
What are the social costs of the issue, and who bears these costs?
A lot of people become sick and develop diseases from poor water sanitation and poor hygiene, so people tend to miss work or school. Companies, organizations, businesses all bear the costs of sickness and disease. The people who are sick also pay the price because they have to miss work and school and they can easily fall behind on the bills, or fall behind in school. The social benefits would include: more people becoming healthy and staying healthy, the community can become more knowledgeable on health and how to stay healthy which would in turn benefit the companies, organizations and businesses instead of hurting them.
What are the barriers?
What are the barriers to addressing this issue?
The taxpayers who may already be healthy and not want to pay more money to promote a healthier lifestyle may not agree with the bill and try to fight it. Another barrier that may occur reguarding this bill is not following through with it. It is one thing to inform a community on ways to become healthier and maintain a healthier lifestyle but it is another to follow through with it and change the environment of the community. These barriers can be overcome by getting the majority of the community to support this bill. To inform them on the benefits of promoting a healthier lifestyle and giving them facts on clean water, good hygiene etc.

What are the resources?
What resources will we need to address this issue?
There are two main resources that will be needed to address this issue. One would be money, which will be needed to supply the personel to inform the community about better health, it will also be needed to make flyers, posters, brochures to promote a better helath system and to follow through with the bill and provide clean water for the community,families and individuals. Information will be needed to inform the community on what a "good health system" is, what is considered good water quality and good sanitation, etc.

What is the history of this issue?
This issue was addressed in the house in on Feb. 12, 2009. There were no cosponsors and the commities involved included: House Energy and Commerce and House Ways and Means.
I dont believe anything has happened since this issue has been addressed

Allies & Opponents
Who would support this issue?
I think that the majority of the community members would support this bill. Also I think that any health organization would support this bill.

Who would oppose this issue?
I think that the only people who may oppose this issue would be businesses, doctors, companies anyone who may lose buisness or who might have to pay more money to support this bill.

Your Recommendation
I want our policy makers to vote YES to this bill!

I had trouble finding the history of the issue, so any comments reguarding that question would be greatly appreciated!


  1. Nice thorough post, Jessica!
    Unfortunately, I don't have any info about the history of the issue, but I did think of another category to be added to needed resources: people may be needed to educate others in developing countries about proper sanitation and hygiene. Where will these resources be found? I believe that Peace Corps volunteers address issues such as this, and it is also the focus of many other volunteer-relief efforts.

  2. Wow, nice job Jessica! I can't really think of anything else that you should add... Nicely done :)

  3. Nice and thorough review, Jessica! Plants and animals could also be affected by poor water quality and sanitation.

  4. Great post! I think that the key to this issue is getting peoples attention about it. I like your ideas about the posters and flyers.
