Monday, April 13, 2009

Healthy People/THOMAS

Healthy People 2010
Goal: Promote health for all through a healthy environment.

8-29 Global Environmental Health
Reduce the global burden of disease due to poor water quality, sanitation, and personal and domestic hygiene.

Target: 2,135,000 deaths.

Baseline: 2,668,200 deaths worldwide were attributable to these factors in 1990.

Target setting method: 20 percent improvement.

Data source: World Health Report 2003, World Health Organization.

According to the Progress Quotient Chart, the global burden of disease has been reduced. It has been moved 161% to elimating disease and it has passed the 100% of improvement they were hoping for.

Progress: Progress has been made from Global Deaths from poor sanitation. It exceeded the target, achieving 161 percent of its targeted change.

Disparities: Data was unavailable or not applicable.

Opportunites and Challenges:

  • The Health House program is an example of a national education program intended to raise standards for better indoor environments

  • EPA is using education and nonregulatory approaches to address indoor air pollution.

  • The HUD Healthy Homes Initiative supports:

~Activities that focus on researching and demonstrating low-cost, effective home hazard assessment and intervention methods.

~Public education that emphasizes ways in which communities can mitigate housing-related hazards.

Emerging Issues: (General-loosely related to my topic of Global Environmental Health)~Water supply- more people will face water quality and quantity problems because of worldwide water shortages, especially in developing countries.

~Increased international travel and improvements in telecommunications and computer technology are making the world a smaller place.

~Allergens/ Toxins in the Household

Related Bill from THOMAS:

Title: H.R.1031 : To promote a better health information system. (#44)

Sponsor: Rep Burgess, Michael C. [TX-26] (introduced 2/12/2009) Cosponsors (None) Committees: House Energy and Commerce; House Ways and Means

Latest Major Action: 2/12/2009 Referred to House committee. Status: Referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

Recommendation: I would recommend that we start by informing people on health information so that they can protect themselves and better there environment.

Vote: Yes
My Political Representative:

Jim Oberstar


Washington D.C. Office

2365 Rayburn HOB Washington, D.C. 20515

Phone: (202) 225-6211 Duluth Office 231

Federal BuildingDuluth, MN 55802

Phone: (218) 727-7474


  1. Nice job with this post! It's hard to believe the baseline: that 2,668,200 deaths worldwide were attributable to poor water quality, sanitation, and personal and domestic hygiene in 1990. Too often do I take my living situation for granted - I rarely have to worry about those issues! It's great to see that so much progress has been made towards this objective!

  2. We chose the same Healthy People objective! Great minds must think alike... :)

  3. Jessica,
    LOVE the picture! I am glad that there has been progress made in reducing the global burden of disease due to poor water quality, sanitation, and personal and domestic hygiene. The US is finally starting to realize that everything isn't about us!

  4. Good Post! I can't believe how many deaths there are because of water quality. This is a great topic.
