Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Share & Voice: Water Recycling

Hey Everyone!
So all of this talk about
water privatization and our usage of water has got me thinking. I cant imagine my life without water. Not only for drinking but for cooking, bathing, laundry, the list could go on and on. I know I can do more things to help out with the water supply such as cutting down on my 15 minute showers ( I know its horrible), and turning off the water while brushing my teeth, etc. I wanted to find out what we as a whole are doing to cut down on water waste, so I did a little research. I found a really good website on water recycling and reuse and the benefits that it has on the environment. This website talks about how the United States Enivronmental Protection Agency regulates many aspects of wastewater treatment and drinking water quality. I never knew that water recycling could have so many benefits! Here is a list of benefits that water recycling has on the environment:

  • Water Recycling Can Decrease Diversion of Freshwater from Sensitive Ecosystems.
  • Water Recycling Decreases Discharge to Sensitive Water Bodies.

  • Recycled Water May Be Used to Create or Enhance Wetlands and Riparian (Stream) Habitats.

  • Water Recycling Can Reduce and PreventPollution

Recycled water is most commonly used for nonpotable (not for drinking) purposes, such as agriculture, landscape, public parks, and golf course irrigation. Other nonpotable applications include cooling water for power plants and oil refineries, industrial process water for such facilities as paper mills and carpet dyers, toilet flushing, dust control, construction activities, concrete mixing, and artificial lakes (EPA website). I think that its a great idea to recycle water. If we can recycle bottles, cans, glass, plastic why not water!


  1. "If we can recycle bottles, cans, glass, plastic why not water!"

    I like your attitude, Jessica! I agree, we should be conserving water for non-drinking purposes as well!

  2. I definitely think we should be conserving water for non-drinking purposes as well! Like you said.. "why not?!"

  3. I like that we can recycle our water and although it might not be used for drinking, we can use it other ways that benefit our environment!

  4. Awesome post! I LOVE this concept because it just makes so much sense! Why WOULDN'T we recycle our water? Thanks for the informational post!
