Friday, February 13, 2009

Share and Voice

So the other day I was on Google and I learned that there is now something called Google Earth. Google Earth is talks about the ocean and gives really interesting facts and tours beneath the ocean. The site also includes videos where you can see global changes with decades of historic imagery, dive beneath the surface of the ocean and track and share your paths with others. In order to get all of the features you have to download Google Earth 5.o otherwise on the homepage you can watch a video, or click on Google Earth 5.0 Product Tour on the bottom. I thought it was a really neat go check it out!!!


  1. Cool! Thanks for sharing this with us, Jessica!

  2. Hey Jessica!
    I gave you an award for this post! Check it out :)

  3. I am a big fan of Google Earth, but I didn't know you could tour the ocean! I am definitely going to download Google 5.0 and dive right in! :-)
